Sunday 21 November 2010

The trials & traumas of being a newbie

Jeez - how do you stop yourself from information overload?

All I wanna do is make a few extra quid selling stuff on the 'net but all you get is guys (and gals) trying to make you the next internet millionaire.

They bombard you with kit that 'even a newbie can handle' - let me tell you - WE CAN'T!

If we could handle all the techno side of things, don't you think we'd have told our employers to shove their jobs long since?

Even affiliate sites - that 'have done the work for you' - they're all so bloody different!

What we newbies want is a step-by-step guide that goes something like this:-

  1. this is the product to promote
  2. this is your unique link
  3. this is the best place to post it
  4. here's how you get the promotion to that post
End of!!  That's it - a complete how to get your product on-line, and where people can see it, in seconds.  Why make it so darned complicated?

Yes, in order to make lots of money, it needs to be more intricate - but get more technical once we've had a few hits!  Using sub-affiliate progams, FTP software, widgets, back-links - yes - great for residual income, but FOR CRYING OUT LOUD - just give us something we see NOW!  That's all we ask...
...well, that and plenty of hits to give us some encouragement; no wonder 94%+ people who try give up.

Don't they get it - most people trying to avoid the sharks and the scams need instant bucks - let's worry about 4future investment once we've cleaned up the now.

In fact, NO.  I'm gonna try and do one myself.

Step by step guide, how to get on line, promoting products, for little or no effort, cutting out all the bull, the 700 e-mails I've endured this last fortnight, just a 'blinkered' plan - from a-to-b-to-c.

It's Sunday, I'm skint, and if my fingers don't fall off with frostbite, Part One of my how-to should follow later today.

Watch this space.

Aaron Alluring,
don't P155 me 0ff!

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